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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life Education: What I learned

Over one or two weeks Room 7 of SAMS paid occasional visits to Harolds Classroom, also known as Life Education, or Life Ed. Throughout the visits we learned about several drugs, and... wait for it.... PUBERTY!!!!!! Yes, unfortunately. I really dont see why we have to know about that kind of stuff, but hey, schools will be schools. The main point of Life Ed was to "Delay Your Descision". When they say to delay your descision they mean to think twice (thrice) about what you are going to do (will you take drugs and feel poop or will you avoid them and feel AWESOME???). Not really a hard choice to make.
Anyway, there was a bit about PUBERTY and how we grow pubic hairs and how our cells change and all this confusing stuff about our brains releasing random chemicals with big doctor-names.
There was a large section on the drug 'alchohol'. If anyone knows what alchohol is please tell me, im desperate to know! We watched several videos where alchoholics are talking about how pooped up their lives were... good to see the teacher wasn't scared to use coarse language! (not really, its kind of creepy).
So to sum things up, I learned about cocaine and how it used to be in Coca Cola, which is kind of creepy. At least I know why mum is so addicted to Coke now =D. I also learned about alchohol, and to delay the descision which has the most obvious answer ever.


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