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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chinese Introduction Video Pt. 2

This is part 2 of my Chinese Introduction Video. It has been extended to say hello, my name is ____, my telephone number is ____, I like to eat ____, I like to drink ____, and goodbye. Thanks to JM (IDH) for helping make this video. The phonenumbers we say are fake, dont waste money trying to call us.


  1. very good you guys dont laugh suprisingly
    and good eye con-tact.

  2. Dear Nathan

    That was really great you smiled all the way long I coudn't hear much because there wasn't much volume but it looked like you know what you were doing.

  3. @Llenyd
    You spelt contact wrong.

    I was smiling because I was (--) this close to bursting into laughter.
