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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

SAMS Learner Tee-Shirt

My SAMS Learner shirt is good. It represents the 5 attributes of a SAMS learner and names the 4 houses (Rata, Kowhai, Totara, Matai). The 5 attributes are Communicator, Contributor, Explorer, Thinker and Self-Manager.
The picture of a man standing on the word "task" shows that a SAMS leaner will stay on task, while others will fall off task (as shown). The brain and box show that a SAMS leaner will think outside the box. The colours represent the four house colours. The magnifying glass, question man and the world wide question mark show that a SAMS learner will explore for answers, and use different resources for information.


  1. hi nathan love your t-shirt I like how you put the task thing on your t-shirt.

  2. @Lily
    Good and funny! Bah, nothing compared to the Lord Rhys Darby. Whats funny about it? I cant see anything that even slightly amuses me... apart from that big juicy brain, perhaps.

    Yay she loves it. I like stick figures staying on task. Thankyou =)
