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Monday, May 10, 2010

SAMS Learner

I think outside the box because I am smart and like to think outside the box.
I am not good at trying new things, I can improve this by trying new things.

I give and take ideas respectfully, because I like to share and develop my learning.
I am not good at participating. I can improve this by participating/joining in with events.

I am logical because I am smart and like using big words to sound smart as I am smart, though I may have no clue what the words I use mean or if they even exist.
I am not good at using my initiative. I can improve this by thinking for myself.

I am good at being independant. This is because I work better when I am alone.
I do not know my abilities. I have no idea what my limits are.

I am good at asking questions because I like receiving answers and expanding my knowledge.
I am not good at speaking clearly because I seem to curl up and die when I talk in front of a crowd. In other words I dont like talking in front of other people/large crowds.


  1. I have noticed you're keen on those big words! How do you think we could we go about making you feel more confident talking in front of the class? Did you get any tips from the Speak Up, Speak Easy session on Friday?

  2. Nice blog though some of the stuff you said I don't agree with.

  3. @ Miss Morrall

    "I have noticed you're keen on those big words! How do you think we could we go about making you feel more confident talking in front of the class? Did you get any tips from the Speak Up, Speak Easy session on Friday?"

    Umm no, I didnt, was too busy laughing.

  4. @AbigailW

    "Nice blog though some of the stuff you said I don't agree with."

    Things like? Im only being honest here =)

  5. Nice work but some of the stuff i dont agree with aswell.

  6. Nice blog, Nathan! I have to agree with Dylan and Abigail too! Like "I am logical because..." and there are so many "smarts" in it. But, you do think outside "the box" and you are very independent! Good work, Nathan!

  7. Hey Nathan- I like your SAMS learner- it's...different. But does being logical mean you use words that you don't know? hmmmm...

  8. @Horhmmmm
    according to or agreeing with the principles of logic: a logical inference.
    reasoning in accordance with the principles of logic, as a person or the mind: logical thinking.
    reasonable; to be expected: War was the logical consequence of such threats.
    of or pertaining to logic.

  9. Hey Nathan I agree with the others You should write down as your weakness TRY TO BE HONEST.

  10. @Dylan
    What dont you agree with?

    Wow another one.. what dont you agree with then, Panpan? You guys do realise I cant change what you think is "lying" when I dont know what you think is wrong, though my awesome super powers SHOULD be able to do that for me.

  11. @Thomas
    I am honest? As far as im concerned, anyway. If you think there is something in there that I should change, please tell me... I cant read minds you know!
